Well as a result, I received two very nice inquiries that led to two commissions. The first one is done and I'd like to share it with you because it is so unique and interesting. I was approached by a collector who saw my work, loved it, and wanted to commission a family portrait. Initially my thought was "oh no, I really don't want to do a portrait." But wait...what he wanted was one of my endearing sheep portraits that modeled his own family. What a creative idea! So we talked about his family and when he sent me a picture, I could actually see it.
The inspiration
The one-of-a-kind "family portrait"
Whatdoyouthink? Do you see some personalities? How about a take-charge, family-guy kinda dad? And how 'bout the sweet mom who is the glue of the family? Can you see a college-age son who's just about ready to be out on his own? And then there's the young 5-year-old who's fun-loving and a total blessing. There you have it... a new twist on painting sheep!
Thank you, James!