We started early and drove east just as the sun was coming up. The day was overcast so it made for an understated landscape with subtle colors. There were no big surprises…no “rock your world” or “take your breath away” scenes. As we listened to Allison Krause, I enjoyed the beauty of the serenity of a quiet early April morning. Sometimes less can be more! The rolling hills were mostly shades of gray with tinges of green. There were occasional stands of gray and leafless cottonwood trees along the dried riverbeds and surrounding farmhouses. Sagebrush and yucca plants added nuances of color to the vast open spaces of the eastern plains. Often the miles of grazing land was dotted with black angus and longhorn cattle. Barns and silos and occasional windmills and John Deere tractors made for splashes of brightness. The roads were labeled CR followed by letters for east-west “county roads” and CR followed by numbers for north-south roads. I couldn’t help but notice the funny bright yellow road signs that stated “No snowplowing 7pm – 5am.” There was no lush green foliage, no water tumbling over rocks, actually no water at all, no purple mountain’s majesty. But there was beauty just the same. Beauty is everywhere if you have the mindset to find it.
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