Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Harvey's Farm

I just returned from a trip to Michigan.  It was lambing season and I spent an afternoon with Harvey and his sheep.  I took hundreds of pictures and will have many wonderful images and memories from which to paint.  Harvey had a cute little Lincoln lamb that was 3 weeks old and already posed very nicely.  There was also a set of triplets that were just 3 days old.  So cute!

So stay tuned for the paintings...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Off to a great start...

I got some exciting news that I just have to share! I have sold my first painting at Anne Neilson Fine Art in Charlotte, NC.  Even better...the gallery hasn't even opened yet. Whoohoo! 

THE very first painting sold at ANNE NEILSON FINE ART

L: Anne Neilson, gallery owner, with the collector who bought my painting
R: Elise Bainbridge, Awesome Art Director 

I'm off to Michigan tomorrow.  My trip is definitely going to include a visit to Harvey's Farm.  When I spoke with him several days ago, he reported that now is the perfect time because he has lots of little lambs.  Looks like there'll be more lamb & sheep paintings!  Stay tuned.

Be sure to check out http://anneneilsonfineart.com/


Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Sequel

Deb's Little Blue Box

Special Delivery from Privas, France

Perhaps you remember my post from New Years Day 2014.  I sat down with a cup of cocoa and opened up the "Little Blue Box" in which I had stored all my tidbits and treasures for the year.  With great excitement, I read notes & emails, records of special happenings, and anything I had deemed noteworthy at the time...  

...Yesterday I got a very special delivery.  It was an envelope from France and its contents were definitely "Little Blue Box" worthy. It was such a wonderful surprise from Claudette. She included a 20-30 year old postcard from Privas with a hand-made onionskin key to the various pictures and locations.  Of special interest was the location of her home which was my great-great grandparents' home.  She sent a postcard of cute little goats and on the back was her own story of taking care of goats when she was a little girl (carefully handwritten and painstakingly translated from French into English).  Most of all, I love the little package of dried "mimosa" with the note that said, "for the small blue Box!"  I have to tell you, it made me cry!


These are some pictures I took of Claudette's home when we visited her last spring.  Knowing this was our family's homestead many, many years ago, she graciously invited us to visit.  We had a wonderful afternoon with her, her husband, and son.  They gave us a tour, told stories and served a delicious homemade cake with juice and coffee.  It was a special day where some wonderful memories were made.  And now ...the story continues.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Divine Perfection

"A true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."


Yesterday was a bitterly cold day here in Denver.  But the frost on the trees, shrubs, and grasses was just too beautiful to pass up.   So I bundled up in all the clothes I owned and headed out with my camera. An hour and a half later with a cold red nose, stiff fingers, and minus one lost earring, I was rewarded with some lovely images that I'm sure will become future paintings. Please enjoy these 4 examples of "Divine Perfection."