Monday, December 23, 2013

A Favorite Painting for this Season

Madonna of the Chair ~ Raphael 1514-15

This is to wish all who read this blog a very Merry Christmas and/or a happy holiday.  Appropriately for this season, I am sharing with you one of my very favorite paintings. I was fortunate enough to get to see it up-close-and-personal at the Pitti Palace in Florence some years ago.  Though smaller than I had imagined it was nevertheless breathtaking.  Regardless of your beliefs, I hope you find the painting moving and the subject appealing.  I hope its beauty and message moves you as it does me.  I have always loved the playful and endearing pose as well as the protective look in the Madonna's (mother's) eyes.

Legend says that Raphael happened upon a charming family group such as this.  Grabbing whatever material was available, which apparently was the head of a cask, he quickly sketched out the scene.  And thus, the circular form of the painting came to be.  Whether or not the story is true, no one can say.  But it's fun to imagine it so.

Whatever your reason for celebration at this time of year, I hope that you are blessed with love, family and friends, and make some happy memories.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Especially for Me


"Earth's crammed with Heaven,

and every common bush afire with God;

but only he who sees takes off his shoes.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Last evening was not so good.  Last night wasn't either...I woke up at 3:00a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  A lot on my mind.  But on my way to the kitchen this morning, I just happened to look back over my shoulder and noticed this beautiful light and shadow picture.  It seems that the early morning sun was shining through our back windows and deposited the silhouetted image of trees in our backyard, and the star on the top of our Christmas tree, and little wisps of light peeking through the shutters all on my wall.  I noticed it, snapped a picture, enjoyed it, and then it was gone.
Then over breakfast and my personal quiet time, I happened upon the quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.  Guess you could say God shared some beauty with me this morning.  I am appreciative and grateful! (And my shoes are off).

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"Prozac Art"

I'm not all that original.  But I can agree with a good idea when I find one. This week's Blog from the Oil Painters of America website was a good one. One of the points that resonated with me was what Scott Jones of Legacy Gallery (Scottsdale) had to say.  When he speaks of "Prozac Art" he said, "There is enough stress in everyone's lives, people are needing and buying peaceful, pretty art that soothes their minds and souls." Check out the article in its entirety at: Dec 2, 2013 OPA BLOG: How to Prepare a Winning Portfolio

I'm on that same page.  My most recent "ARTIST BIO" states: "Deb has focused primarily on the painting of sheep and pastoral settings...In this sometimes harsh and difficult world in which we live, a kinder-and-gentler art form seems to resonate.  Engaging, uplifting, warm, nurturing, and spiritual, are all descriptors that can be applied to my paintings."

Hmmm...take a look at my latest paintings. They are GREEN (literally) & PASTORAL.

These paintings are available at either GiacobbeFritz Fine Art, the Denver Athletic Club, or The National Western Club Show (at the Denver Stock Show).  Feel free to contact me for more info.